paediatric obesity clinic

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About us

Bariatric surgery for teens is not just about the surgery. To get the best results, both physically and mentally, we work with a team of surgeons, bariatricians, a nurse, dietitians, exercise physiologists, a psychologist and a support and education coordinator.

paediatric obesity clinic | team

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Meet the Teen Time team

Paediatric obesity clinic - Dr Leon Cohen

Dr Leon Cohen
Medical director

Dr Leon Cohen is the founder of Teen Time Bariatrics and Medical Director of Mercy Bariatrics. He is a General and Bariatric Surgeon and established his bariatric surgery clinic in 2004. He has been a pioneer in advocating for Bariatric Surgery in adolescents and introducing new techniques in bariatric surgery in Australia.

Paediatric obesity clinic - Dr Neil Hewett

Dr Neil Hewett
Surgical assistant

Dr Neil Hewett has been Dr Cohen’s principal assistant for the last 15 years. He has an almost telepathic ability to predict the next surgical move. He is trusted to assist Dr Cohen in most of his most difficult cases.

Paediatric obesity clinic - Dr Hemah Sakarapani

Dr Hemah Sakarapani

Hemah has been a Bariatrician for the last 10 years with Mercy Bariatrics. She also works as a GP in Willeton and Saville Grove. Hemah has a gentle friendly style and is great at band adjustments.

Paediatric obesity cli

Dr Maria Ingram

Dr Maria Ingram is a General Practitioner and Bariatrician. Maria loves working with adolescents and non-surgical weight loss programs.

Paediatric obesity clinic - Kelly Collier

Kelly Collier
Exercise physiologist

Kelly is one of our exercise physiologists. She has a “hard but fair “ approach to training and conducts personal training and group classes.

Paediatric obesity clinic - Shirl Delphine

Shirl Delphine
Exercise physiologist
Support and education coordinator

Shirl’s passion has been in fitness and healthy lifestyle programming and then a career in Exercise Physiology. She is responsible for delivering much of the educational component of our Program and also runs out postoperative “ Success Habits” training module.

Paediatric obesity cli

Elise Porter
Clinical psychologist

Elise Porter works from Clear Health Psychology and has an interest in Bariatric and Adolescent Psychology. Her role is to assess your readiness for surgery and support you through the preparation and the changes afterwards.

Paediatric obesity clinic - Lindsay Peacock

Lindsay Peacock
Senior dietitian

Lindsay is an Accredited Practising Dietitian with over 20 years of experience in nutrition and dietetics. She is passionate about health promotion and has worked in the hospital setting, the community and in private practice.

Paediatric obesity clinic Practice nurse Caroline Cohen

Caroline Cohen
Practice nurse

As well as being our Practice Nurse, Caroline is principally involved in patient follow-up and recall.

Childhood obesity and what you can do about it

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Where do I start?

We are all different and that is why this program is dedicated and personalised. If you or a parent want to discuss your situation, please give our team a call on 08 9272 0420 and we will be happy to answer your questions. Alternatively, we have listed your most common questions here.